We are proud to announce the results of
2017 Luci di Gala Jewellery Design Awards !

Please kindly note that the Awards Ceremony will be held on May 12, 2017.
All winners are required to proceed to office before 10:45 am. The ceremony will finish at 2 pm.



Contestant: Lui Siu Ching 呂小清

Title of Design: Eternal Fireworks 永恆的煙火

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


A globe – shaped firework against a night sky and its refraction

in the sparking facets of the shimmering diamonds surrounding it.

夜空中一顆顆璀璨的煙火, 點點光華映照在鑽石上, 散發耀目光芒, 閃爍生輝


1st Runner-up

Contestant: Chan Tsz Leung 陳子樑

Title of Design: Lake of light 光之湖

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


Inspired by the reflection of light that appear on the lake.



2nd Runner-up

Contestant: Chan Choi Yuk 陳彩玉

Title of Design: Shine閃耀

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


The work is based on the lumiere as a design concept.

Which uses the size of the contrast and scattering elements. It has the effect of the illusion.

作品是以光芒為設計概念, 其中運用了大小對比及散射元素, 有錯角效果


Merit Award

Contestant: Lui Siu Ching 呂小清

Title of Design: 葵

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


設計靈感來自向日葵, 金黃色的花蕊就像太陽放射出耀眼的光芒一樣,

互相交錯下形成一個個光環, 永恆不息


Contestant: Chui Yin Ping 徐燕冰

Title of Design: Kaleidoscope 萬花筒

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


Light is the main design theme, I have used the light scattering characteristics,

and reference to the ever-changing characteristics of kaleidoscope,

such as curve, light like kaleidoscope in different situations show different forms.

設計主題以光為主, 我利用了光的特質散射形式, 再參考萬花筒千變萬化的特性,

例如多用曲線, 就如光在不同的環境下也像萬花筒那樣千變萬化


Contestant: Yeung Ling 楊羚

Title of design: Starry . Mystery 星 . 魅

School: Hong Kong institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee)


The lines of launch crossing from others, mysteriously highlighting every diamond like a starry star.

The looming shadow of the stars of the stars is shining unique radiance mysteriously.

以發射的線條重複交替著, 神仙地突顯每一顆像星星的鑽石,

若隱若現的星星影子, 同時散發出神秘獨特的光芒


Contestant: Fung Lai Fan 馮麗芬

Title of Design: Lumiering

School: Hong Kong Baptist University


源自於Lumiere的放射圖案再將一向平面設計卷曲, 做成戒指


Contestant: Chan Tsz Leung 陳子樑

Title of Design: The New Dawn 新的黎明

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


Inspired by the light of dawn, and the reflection light that shine into our eyes.

靈感來自黎明的光, 以及光線射進眼睛後反射的光


Contestant: Lam Cheuk Kit 林卓傑

Title of Design: Day and “L”ight 時 . 光

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


A design base on clock and light to represent the idea of visible “time”.



Contestant: Kwong Ka Yui 鄺嘉蕊

Title of Design: Magical Circle Brooch 魔法陣胸針

School: Hong Kong Design Institute


The design concept is inspiration by magical circle which is brightly circle shine with owner every moment.

概念來自於魔法陣的圖案, 發出耀眼的光芒

Our Office

Unit 1207, 12/F, Fu Hang Industrial Building, No. 1 Hok Yuen Street East, Hunghom


Open Hour :

Monday to Friday :

9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
2 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Contact Us

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Tel   +852 3925 5818
Email   info@ldgjewellery.com